Shopping (Somali)

Shopping (Somali)

Xog #12 – Xarunta (Soomaali)

Task #12 – Shopping (Somali) 


Xarunta waddanka Mareykanka waxay ku beegsan tahay mid ku dhow xeerar badan oo la tixraaco dadka cusub. Iskutallaabeyaasha waxay kala soo xiriiri karaan inay madaxda u noqdaan waxbarashada xarunta ee dadka cusub. Fiiri qaybaha kooban ee dalalka ku saabsan warqadaha furan ee dalka asalka ah, luqadaha, dhaqanka, iyo cuntooyinka/caanaha. Xogta 1 – ka hor tagga iyo Xogta 2 – Beeraha waxa xalista ahayd ilaalinta maamulka xarunta. Waxay soo kordhisaa waxyaalaha baahsan ee guriga, furniyo, iyo dawaad xiro. Waxay sidoo kale ku sameysaa xarumaha cuntada si ay ugu bixiyaan fijitaalka hawoorta. Dhibaatooyin ahaan, cunto dhaqameedka ama hilibka dhaqanka inteeda badan waa fal celis ah ee habeenka ugu horeysa.

Shopping in the United States can be dramatically different for many newcomers.  

Volunteers can take the lead in helping newcomers learn how to shop in their new communities.  See attached country summaries for a brief description of the country of origin, language, customs, and food/cuisine.  Task 1 – prearrival and Task 2 Housing is usually handled by resettlement agencies.  They will collect needed household items, furniture, and cleaning supplies. They also usually do food item shopping to initially stock the refrigerator.  A typical native meal or ingredients for native meals are always a great first night gesture. 


Iskutallaabeyaasha waxay bixiyaan gaadiid ku soo xidha suuqa degmada oo ay cuntooyin u baahan yihiin dadka cusub. Iskutallaabeyaasha waxay kala soo xiriiri karaan shaqaalayaasha dhaqaalaha ee maamulka xarunta, qaar ka mid ah qaxootiga ka yimid gobolkaas, iyo si kasta oo ay ugu suurtagasho ka qabato internet-ka si ay u heli lahaayeen dukaano cuntooyin aad u baahan. Iskutallaabeyaasha waxay sidoo kale bixiyaan macluumaad ku saabsan sida loo iibsado (fiiri Xogta #13 ee liiska macluumaadka maaliyadeed – xisaabta bangiyada, kaarka horumarka, iyo kaarka daynta/hawalaaha wadanka kasta).

Volunteers can provide transportation to local markets that have the kind of ingredients newcomers are used to.  Volunteers can connect with resettlement caseworkers, other refugees from the same area, and simply do internet searches for specialty food shops or those markets that have usable ingredients. Volunteers can also provide information on how make purchases (See Task#13 for financial literacy – bank accounts, credit/debit cards etc…).  


Waan rabnaa inaan cunto aad u fiican oo la daawado laga helo qoysaska markay ka soo baxaan. Haddaba, haddii la helo, waxa ay suurtogeli kartaa wasaaradda maamulka xarunta ama koox taageerada qoyska (haddii la helo). Biyaha loogu talagalay qoysaska ayaa sidoo kale loo iibsaday wasaaradda maamulka xarunta, iyadoo laga isticmaalayo lacagta R&P ee qoyska. Halkan kuma hayno daftar cuntooyinka kooban oo ka kooban waxyaabo u baahan dadka ka yimid dalalka kala duwan.

A hot/ready-to-eat culturally appropriate meal is required to be provided for families upon arrival.  This is typically provided by the resettlement agency or a family’s support group (if available).  Groceries for families are also purchased for them by the resettlement agency using the family’s R&P money.  Here are a few grocery lists that include some basic staples that might be sought out by people from specific countries.


Marar badan oo cunto iyo cabitaan ah:

As an example of food and drink: 


Afghanistan: Cuntada Afghanistan waxay ka koobantahay koobka Geeska Midda, Aasiyada, iyo Hindiya. Waxay ka kooban yihiin koronto iyo quruxle, sidaas darteed bariis iyo hilib. Casiis wuxuu sidoo kale lagu isticmaali karaa si koronto, sida loo isticmaalo geelka dalka Mareykanka.

Afghanistan: The food in Afghanistan is a mix between Middle Eastern, Asian, and Indian. It includes a lot of fruit and nuts, as well as rice and lamb. Yogurt is also used as a topping, like how cheese is used in the United States

Jamhuuriyadda Dimuqraadiga Congo: Cunto taariikheed ma uu ka kooban yahay waraaqo kassava, digaag, iyo qamriga. Qamrigan waxaa laga sameeyaa bur iyo bur iyo casava, ama wada sameeyo labada, oo loo yiraahdo ugali ama fufu, iyadoo la xidhiidha meelaha ku yaalla Jamhuuriyadda Dimuqraadiga Congo. Haddii qoysku leeyahay khayr, waxay sidoo kale kasoo seexdaan hilib sida hilibka ama hilibka. Dad badan oo Congolees ah oo muslin ah ma sharraxanin maqloolka. Biroow (shiin geliya sida muuqata oo banana ama sorgoom lagu sameeyo) waxa uu leeyahay qiimaha bulshada ee Congoleeska, waxayna aaminsan yihiin inuu dadka isku xirto iyo inuu kalsooni daro u saaro. Ma jiro khatarta muhiimka ah ee dhaqan gasho ee la xiriira shirarka, haddii la maqlayno biroow ama la dhaco biroow si loo hure ugu qorshaynta.

Democratic Republic of Congo. A typical meal might include cassava leaves, beans, and a starch. This starch can be made of maize or cassava flour, or a mix of the two, and is referred to as ugali or fufu, depending on the location in the DRC. If a family has the resources, they may also serve meat like lamb or beef. Many Congolese who are not Muslim drink alcohol. Beer (a traditional brew made from banana or sorghum) has important social value for the Congolese, who believe that it unites people and fosters friendship. No important ceremony is ended without drinking beer or sprinkling it on the ground to honor ancestors.


El Salvador:  For a Salvadorian family, teach them where they can buy ingredients for pupusas.  Ingredients: Made from masa dough, the base for tortillas, tamales and other Latin cooking staples, pupusas are thick corn cakes filled with a variety of ingredients such as pork, chicken, cheese or beans. For certain, they are always served with curtido, a wonderfully crunchy and tangy cabbage slaw, and a simple red salsa.

El Salvador:  For a Salvadorian family, teach them where they can buy ingredients for pupusas.  Ingredients: Made from masa dough, the base for tortillas, tamales and other Latin cooking staples, pupusas are thick corn cakes filled with a variety of ingredients such as pork, chicken, cheese or beans. For certain, they are always served with curtido, a wonderfully crunchy and tangy cabbage slaw, and a simple red salsa.


Myanmar: Kuwaas oo ka mid ah dadka Myanmar waxay cunto wariyeed oo lagu daawado bariis iyo kari la mid ah. Cuntada subaxdii waxay ka kooban tahay bariiska bariis la socota ama bariiska bariiska loo daabacay, oo laga soo qaadi karo qasin iyo cusbeyntii saltadda, digaag la daabacay, iyo ilaa boodhka bisinka ah. Magaalooyinku, quraacdu waxay noqon kartaa rooti iyo jama ama naan Hindi (rooti daalacan) iyo digaag la daabacay. Wariyeedka waa bariis iyo cuntada kari la mid ah, taas oo si gaar ah loo qaadi karo hilibka (digaag) oo laga soo qaadi karo khudaarta oo la daabaco khudaarta qalbiga ah iyo maraq. Qaladaha kale, sida dayuurada dumis iyo kuwo kale oo cuntooyin halabuur ah (oo la daabaco qalabka bariiska) iyo cuntooyin kale ee hilibka ama khudaarta, waxay noqon kartaa, iyada oo la ogyahay dakhliga qoyska.

Myanmar. Typically, people from Myanmar eat boiled rice accompanied by curry and condiments. The early morning meal may consist of fried leftover rice or steamed sticky rice, eaten with sesame and finely ground salt, boiled beans, and sometimes grilled dried fish. In the urban areas, breakfast might be bread and jam or Indian naan (flatbread) with boiled beans. The midday meal is usually rice and some kind of curry, which for the more well-to-do may be a meat dish accompanied by stir-fried vegetables and a soup. More side dishes, such as various fermented fish paste dips (eaten with boiled vegetables) and other meat or vegetable dishes, may be served, depending on the family’s income.


  1. Profiyadaha Dalalka ee BBC,
  2. 14 Cuntada Afghanka ee Traditional ee Qof kasta wuxuu u baahan yahay inuu isku dayo,
  3. 20 Cunto ee ugu Popular ee Congo,
  4. Cuntada Salvador: 20 Cunto Traditional ah oo laga cuno El Salvador,
  5. Cuntada Birmalka: 12 Cunto Traditional ah oo laga cuno Myanmar,

Related Websites

  1. BBC Country Profiles,
  2. 14 Traditional Afghan Foods Everyone Should Try,
  3. Top 20 Most Popular Foods in Congo,
  4. Salvadoran Food: 20 Must-Try Traditional Dishes of El Salvador,
  5. Burmese Food: 12 Must-Try Traditional Dishes of Myanmar,

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