Financial Literacy (Haitian Creole)

Financial Literacy (Haitian Creole)

Travay #13 – Alfabetizasyon Finansye

Task #13 – Financial Literacy (Haitian Creole)


Finans Etazini yo ka trè konfizyon pou pifò fèk vini (ak jèn adilt). Pandan ke pral gen klas alfabetizasyon finansye ki ofri pa ajans reyentegrasyon, anjeneral, nivo angle a se pito wo pou moun ki fèk rive Ozetazini. Tache nan Tab A – se yon lis vokabilè finansye ak kèk kesyon/fraz ki ka itilize pou familyarize nouvo vini yo ak volontè yo ak mo/tèm ki nesesè yo.

U.S. Finances can be very confusing for most newcomers (and young adults).  While there will be financial literacy classes provided by resettlement agencies, usually, the English level is rather high for persons who are just arriving in the United States.  Attached at Tab A – is a list of financial vocabulary and some questions/sentences that can be used to familiarize newcomers and volunteers with necessary words/terms.


Menm jan ak tout efò Angle kòm Dezyèm Lang (ESL), tan ak pratik yo bezwen. Volontè ki fèk vini yo ka jwe yon wòl kle nan ede nouvo vini yo navige pwoblèm finansye. Nan Tab B se yon echantiyon klas alfabetizasyon finansye ki itilize pa World Food Program. Tab C se yon klas Jesyon Lajan ki itilize pa Lutheran Family Services ak Tab D Alfabetizasyon Finansye – Konstwi byen w yo.

As with all English as a Second Language (ESL) efforts, time and practice are needed. Newcomer volunteers can play a key role in helping newcomers navigate financial issues.  At Tab B is a sample financial literacy class used by the World Food Program.  Tab C is a Money Management class used by Lutheran Family Services and Tab D Financial Literacy – Building up your assets.


Kèk panse rapid. Ouvèti yon kont labank pral nesesè pou pwosesis la chèche travay. Anpil biznis pral vle fè yon depo dirèk nan yon kont labank pou salè regilye. Ou ka itilize yon deklarasyon kont labank lokal tou pou verifye adrès pou plizyè aplikasyon: 1) SSN, 2) Enskripsyon elèv nan lekòl primè/segondè, 3) Akò lokasyon, 4) Lisans chofè (nan kèk eta) ak lòt sèvis.

Some quick thoughts.  Opening a bank account will be necessary for the job seeking process.  Many businesses will want to make a direct deposit to a bank account for regular wages.  Also having a local bank account statement can be used to verify addresses for various applications: 1) SSN, 2) Student Enrollment in primary/high schools, 3) Rental Leasing agreements, 4) Drivers licenses (in some states) and other services.


Si w se yon benefisyè SNAP (koupon pou manje) y ap bay yon kat debi (EBT) olye de yon chèk/lajan kach. Konprann diferans ki genyen ant kat debi, kat kredi ak istwa kredi yo se gwo pwen demaraj pou fèk vini yo.

If you are a SNAP (food stamp) recipient a debit card (EBT) will be issued rather than a check/cash.  Understanding the differences between debit cards, credit cards and credit history are great start points for newcomers.


Sit wèb ki gen rapò

  1. Toolkit Fòmasyon Alfabetizasyon Finansye pou Refijye –
  2. Yon tout nouvo (finansye) mond: Teaching refijye yo kijan pou jere lajan –

See other references below for financial literacy training.

Related Websites

  1. Financial Literacy Training Toolkit for Refugees
  2. A Whole New (Financial) World: Teaching Refugees How to Manage Money –

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