Financial Literacy (Swahili)
Financial Literacy (Swahili)
Kazi #13 – Uwezo wa Fedha (Uelimishaji wa Kifedha) (Kiswahili)
Task #13 – Financial Literacy (Swahili)
Mambo ya Fedha ya Marekani yanaweza kuwa magumu sana kwa wengi wanaowasili (na vijana wazima). Ingawa kuna madarasa ya uwezo wa fedha yanayotolewa na mashirika ya uhamishaji, kawaida, viwango vya Kiingereza ni vya juu kwa watu wanaoanza tu kuwasili Marekani. Iliyounganishwa kwenye Tab A – ni orodha ya msamiati wa kifedha na baadhi ya maswali/sentensi ambazo zinaweza kutumika kuwazoeza wageni na wajitolea kwa maneno/istilahi muhimu.
U.S. Finances can be very confusing for most newcomers (and young adults). While there will be financial literacy classes provided by resettlement agencies, usually, the English level is rather high for persons who are just arriving in the United States. Attached at Tab A – is a list of financial vocabulary and some questions/sentences that can be used to familiarize newcomers and volunteers with necessary words/terms.
Kama ilivyo kwa juhudi zote za Kiingereza kama Lugha ya Pili (ESL), muda na mazoezi ni muhimu. Wajitoleaji wapya wanaweza kuchukua jukumu muhimu katika kusaidia wageni kuendesha masuala ya kifedha. Kwenye Tab B kuna mfano wa darasa la uwezo wa fedha linalotumiwa na Programu ya Chakula ya Dunia. Tab C ni darasa la Usimamizi wa Fedha linalotumiwa na Huduma za Familia za Lutheran, na Tab D ni Uwezo wa Fedha – Kujenga Mali zako.
As with all English as a Second Language (ESL) efforts, time and practice are needed. Newcomer volunteers can play a key role in helping newcomers navigate financial issues. At Tab B is a sample financial literacy class used by the World Food Program. Tab C is a Money Management class used by Lutheran Family Services and Tab D Financial Literacy – Building up your assets.
Fikira za Haraka. Kufungua akaunti ya benki kutakuwa muhimu kwenye mchakato wa kutafuta kazi. Makampuni mengi huenda yakataka kutoa malipo moja kwa moja kwenye akaunti ya benki kwa mshahara wa kawaida. Pia, kuwa na taarifa ya akaunti ya benki ya eneo inaweza kutumika kuthibitisha anwani kwa ajili ya maombi mbalimbali: 1) Nambari ya Usalama wa Jamii (SSN), 2) Usajili wa Wanafunzi shule za msingi/za sekondari, 3) Mikataba ya Upangaji wa Nyumba, 4) Leseni za Udereva (katika baadhi ya majimbo), na huduma nyinginezo.
Some quick thoughts. Opening a bank account will be necessary for the job seeking process. Many businesses will want to make a direct deposit to a bank account for regular wages. Also having a local bank account statement can be used to verify addresses for various applications: 1) SSN, 2) Student Enrollment in primary/high schools, 3) Rental Leasing agreements, 4) Drivers licenses (in some states) and other services.
Ikiwa wewe ni mpokeaji wa SNAP (stempu za chakula), kadi ya malipo ya deni (EBT) itatolewa badala ya hundi/ pesa taslimu. Kuelewa tofauti kati ya kadi za malipo ya deni, kadi za mkopo, na historia ya mkopo ni sehemu nzuri ya kuanzia kwa wageni.
If you are a SNAP (food stamp) recipient a debit card (EBT) will be issued rather than a check/cash. Understanding the differences between debit cards, credit cards and credit history are great start points for newcomers.
Tazama virejeleo vingine hapa chini kwa mafunzo ya uwezo wa fedha.
Viungo Vinavyohusiana
- Zana ya Mafunzo ya Uwezo wa Fedha kwa Wakimbizi:** [](
- Dunia Mpya Kabisa (Kifedha): Kufundisha Wakimbizi Jinsi ya Kusimamia Fedha -** [](
Related Websites
- Financial Literacy Training Toolkit for Refugees –
- A Whole New (Financial) World: Teaching Refugees How to Manage Money –
"Building bridges of hope for a more secure future."

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