Driver's License (Somali)
Driver's License (Somali)
Xog #14 – Laysansiyadda Sarifka (Soomaali)
Task #14-Driver’s License (Somali)
Waa caddeyn in nidaamka gurmadka gaadiidka dadweynaha ee magaalooyinka badan ee Mareykanka laga helin ma ahaan doono mid qadarinta. Arrintaas waxay u baahan tahay in ka badan qof qoyska cusub si ay uga helo: 1) liseysaansadda madax banaan, 2) liseysaansadda madaxda, iyo 3) gaadhigga leh xawaalad. Tani waxay sahli karaan gaadiidka shaqada, dugsiyada, iyo xarunta oo kale oo ah hawlooyin nidaamka bulshada.
Sadly, the public transportation system in most U.S. cities is not satisfactory. This forces at least one member of a newcomer family to go through the process of getting: 1) a state driver’s permit, 2) driver’s license, and 3) a car with insurance. This will enable transportation to work, school, shopping and other community resettlement tasks.
Run aad faraha ugu haysan lahayd, inta badan kullanka iskutallaabeyaasha cusub waxay ku waayeen nidaamka, waxayna ka caawinayaan iskutallaabayaasha inay heli karaan xarumaha internetka ee sahlaya ee bilaabaya hawshooda. Fiiri websiteska la xiriira xarumaha ee Colorado iyo Texas State. Iskutallaabayaal cusub iyo kooxaha taageera ee iyaguna ayaa waxay la dhigi doonaan habka ay leeyihiin, sidaas darteed waxay u baahan tahay inay iskudayaan shuruucda gobollada. Qaar ka mid ah xaaladda la helo laysansiyadda sarifka (Colorado) ayaa isku raacaya oo ay u baahan tahay shuruucda gobollada badan.
Fortunately, almost every newcomer volunteer will have gone through the process and can assist newcomers in accessing the proper online websites to get the process going. See related websites for Colorado and Texas State requirements. Unfortunately, each state has its own process so newcomers and their volunteer support group should explore state requirements together. Some steps for getting a driver’s license (in Colorado) while similar requirements are needed for most states.
- Shahaado: Waa inaad u soo jeedisid mid ka mid ah hawshaan hoos ku qoran: 1) Shahaado xeer ilaaliyeed, 2) Passport, 3) Shahaado Milatari ee Mareykanka, iyo 4) qaxootiga waxay u isticmaali karaan sawir kooban oo lagu xidhiidho I-94-kiisa sida shahaadada.
- Identification You must present one (1) of the following documents: 1) Consular ID, 2) Passport, 3) US Military Identification and 4) refugees should be able to use a copy of their I-94 as identification.
- Lambarka Xisaabtanka Canshuurta Waa inaad u soo jeedisid mid ka mid ah hawshaan hoos ku qoran: 1) Lambarka Xisaabtanka Bulshada Siyaasadda waxa lagu heli karaa hadal ama waxa laga helayaa shakhsi, 2) Lambarka Xisaabtanka Canshuurta Indhividuual (ITIN).
- Tax Identification Number You must present one (1) of the following documents: 1) Social Security Number may be provided verbally or physically, 2) Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN)
- Cadadka in aad tahay ku nool gobolka Colorado ugu dambeyntii 24 bilood ka hor inta aad ka heli doonto wakhti lala galay. Waa inaad doorato mid ka mid ah xulashada noolasha ah ee soo socota.
- Proof that you have been a Colorado resident for the immediate preceding 24 months before your appointment. You must choose one of the following options to prove residency.
- Xulasho 1: Bixi warqadaha soo socda. A. Canshuurtaada ee Colorado ee xertooda. B. Qoraal si loo hubiyo cimiladaada hadda jirta ee Colorado, taas oo ka soo baxa sanadkan. Taariikhda warqadda waa inuu yahay kahor sanad ka hor ku xiran sanaadka xidhiidhka iyo waa inay ku muujin karto magacaaga iyo taariikhda adeegsiga.
- Option 1: Provide the following documents. A. Your certified Colorado Taxes from the immediate preceding year. B. A document to prove your current address in Colorado from the current year. The date on the document must not be older than one year from the date of application and it must display your name and dates of service.
- Xulasho 2: Waa inaad bixisid mid mid ah kasta oo kuwa hoose ka mid ah, warqaduhuna waa inay ku jiraan magacaaga, cimilada Colorado, iyo taariikhda adeegsiga. A. Warqad sanadkan, oo leh cimiladaaga Colorado ee hadda jirta. Taariikhda warqadda waa inuu yahay kahor sanad ka hor ku xiran sanaadka xidhiidhka. B. Warqad labaad oo ku muujinaya cimilada Colorado sannad ka hor. Taariikhda warqadda waa inuu yahay kahor 12 ilaa 23 bilood ka hor inta aad galisid codsiga. C. Warqad saddexaad oo ku muujinaya cimilada Colorado sannad la soo dhaafay. Taariikhda warqadda waa inuu yahay kahor 24 ilaa 30 bilood ka hor inta aad galisid miisaankaaga.
- Option 2: You must provide one of each of the following and all documents must contain your name, Colorado address, and dates of service. A. A document from the current year, with your current Colorado address. The date on the document must be less than 12 months from the date of application. B. A second document to show Colorado residency from one year prior. The date on the document must be between 12 and 23 months prior to application. C. A third document to show Colorado residency from two years prior. The date on the document must be between 24 and 30 months before your appointment.
- Buuxi iyo saxiix Shahaadada Cadaaladda Waddo iyo Bulsho ee Colorado. Warqaddan waxa lagu sheegaa inaad tahay degan gobolka Colorado, oo aad codsatay ama aad codsato inaad saaran tahay heshiiskaaga ku xadgudubta dalka Maraykanka marka aad hesho kharashkaaga.
- Complete and sign the Colorado Road and Community safety Act Affidavit This document is to state that you are a resident of Colorado and that you have applied or will apply to adjust your status in the U.S. as soon as you are eligible.
- Waxa kale oo aad u baahan doontaa inaad la soo jeedisid imtixaankaaga.
- Kaydinta gaadiidkaaga
- Dalabka bimaarka gaadiga
- Dharka (haddii aad u baahantahay inaad gaadid ku hayso)
- Ka qaybgal imtixaanka (dooran kasta)
- Shahada tarjumaad (haddii loo baahanyahay)
- Other things you will need to bring to your appointment.
- Your vehicle registration
- Proof of car insurance
- Glasses (if you need them to drive)
- Pre- Registration (optional)
- Certificate of translation (if necessary)
Related Websites (Soo gudbin tayada kale ee gobollada kale ee Interlinkt si loo wada shaqeeyo)
- Colorado Drivers Handbook
- Imtixaanka Bilaashka ah ee Shaqo Colorado –
- Mobile App ee Shaqooyinka Gaadiga –
- Toban waxyaaboo kuu baahan doona hore imtixaankaagu –
- Texas DMV Driver’s Handbook –
- Imtixaan Daabacay – Imtixaan Bilaash ah dooro gobolkaada
Related Websites (Submit other state websites to Interlinkt for inclusion)
- Colorado Drivers Handbook
- Free Colorado Drivers Practice Test –
- Drivers Practice Telephone App –
- Ten things you should do before your driving knowledge exam –
- Texas DMV Driver’s Handbook –
- Written DMV test – free practice tests select your state
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