Important Papers (Somali)

Important Papers (Somali)

Task #3 – Warqadaha Muhiimka ah (Somali)

Task #3 – Important Papers (Somali)


Macluumaadka Horumarinta: 

Mararka qaarkood qaxootiyeen waxay soo dhoweynayaan xabbad muhiimka ah oo leh ururka International Organization of Migration (IOM). Warqadahaan waxay yihiin mid muhiim ah oo loogu talagalay hay’adaha dib-u-eegista Mareykanka iyo xafiisyada dawladda iyo gobolka ee dib u hagaajinta hore. Warqadahaan waxay sidoo kale ahaayeen muhiim u ah codsiyada la xiriira degelka madaniga ah iyo Ummadda Mareykanka, oo ah 5 sano ka dib markii madanigu loogu talo galay. Dhacdo, ka dhiman kara in lagu khasaaray qaxootiga haddii mid ka mid ah warqadahaan la tuuro.


Frequently refugees arrive with an International Organization of Migration (IOM) plastic bag of important information.  These documents are vital for all U.S. resettlement agencies as well as state and local offices at initial inprocessing.  The documents are also vital for any applications for legal permanent residence and U.S. Citizenship which is 5 years after legal permanent residence.  Unfortunately, losing any of these documents can hurt the newcomer.  


Waxa laga higsan yahay in loo furto fasallad liidata oo loo maro si fudud ugu dhammaado qaxootiga. Sidoo kale, waxa laga higsan yahay in loo sameeyo warqad dijitaal sida uu scan u yahay foomatka PDF. Sababtoo ah dhammaan qaxootiyada waxay u baahan tahay telefoonka gacanta, faylashu waxay ku diyaar garoobeen in loo scan doono iyo la daabaco faylasha sawirada. Tani waa shaqo aad u fiican gaar ahaan saddexdaas hay’adood ee aanay u baahin in la diro copiyada asalka ah, haddii ay ogolaadaan in faylasha PDF loo diriyo email-ka.

It is highly recommended that an organized file folder be quickly established for the newcomer.  Additionally, a digital record such as scanning to a PDF format is highly recommended.  Since all refugees must have a cell phone, files can be scanned and stored within the picture files.  This works especially well for those organizations which do not require the original copy and allow PDF files to be mailed to them. 


I-94 – Astaanta safarka I-94, oo loo yaqaano si rasmi ah Foomka I-94 Arrival/Departure Record, waa warqad qaybta kagta ama dijitaalka oo soo saaray maamulaha Aduunka iyo Qoyska (CBP) ee Maraykanka qaxootiga soo galaya. Waa loo baahan yahay in la isticmaalo adeegyada dadweynaha badan, oo ay ka mid yihiin laisanska gaadiidka ama lambarka amniga bulshada (social security number). Fiiri si aad u ogaato macluumaad dheeraad ah iyo aad u gudbisid foomka dijitaalka.

I – 94 – The I-94 travel record, formally known as the Form I-94 Arrival/Departure Record, is a paper or electronic document issued by a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Officer to newcomers entering the United States.  It is needed for most public services to include a driver’s license or social security number.   See for more information and access to the electronic 


Warqadaha Muhiimka Ah kale ee ay yihiin: Other Important Documents:

Warqadaha Safarka: Pasport, Visa, Ogolaanshaha   Travel Documents: Passport, Visa, Permission

Macluumaadka Caafimaadka         Medical Records

Halyeynka Vaccination


Haddii La Helo   If Available

Shahaadada Nikaaxiga Marriage Certificate

Shahaadada Dhalashada Birth Certificates

Afhayeenka Shaqada Employment Records

Macluumaadka Xiriirka Qoyska Family Ties information 

(Mareykanka iyo wadan kale) (in the U.S. and other countries)

Shahaado – Qoraal Qaxooti Testimony – refugee story

Afhayeenyo (La ansixinaya) Affidavits (Notarized)

Qoraal (Lagu ansixiyay, aan la ansixin) Declaration (Not notarized)

Dhacdooyinka Loo Dilo Proof of Persecution 

Sawirada Dhibaatada Pictures of injuries

Warbixinada Xasilloonidda News Reports of persecutions

Warbixinada Booliiska Police Reports 


Macluumaad kale:

Afhayeenka Caafimaadka. Qaxootiga (nooc maqan) mararka qaarkood waxay soo kaceen Goobooyinka Qaxootiga ee Qaramada Midoobay. Waqtiga qaxootiga ee goobooyinka waa kii caadiga ah, oo lagu xiro 15 sano. Warqad caafimaad waa “raadinaya” in la qaato ka hor inta la soo noqdo waddanka, sida uu xanuunka. Afhayeenyadaas waxay iman karaan xarunta caafimaad ee Maraykanka ee degmada si lagu keeno goobo la furtay. Si loo diro ardayda dugsiga, waxaa laga bixi karaa “bulshada baxa” ee haddaasoo la helo xaruntiisa caafimaad.

Other remarks:

Medical Records.  Refugees (a specific status) frequently come from United Nations Refugee Camps. Average stay at camps is 15 years.  A medical report is “usually” taken before arrival along with vaccinations.  These reports go the local U.S. medical facility in sealed envelopes.  In order to register school aged children, a SEALED envelope of vaccinations is provided by this medical facility for the school. 


Websiteyada La Xiriira:

  1. I-94:

   – [I-94 Bogga Hooseeya](

   – [Boundless – Macluumaadka Form I-94](

  1. Warqadaha Safarka USCIS:

   – [USCIS Warqadaha Safarka](


  1. Habka Qaxootiga:

   – [USCIS – Qaxootiga iyo Asaylum](

  1. Caawinta Lacagta Qaxootiga iyo Caafimaadka Qaxootiga:

   – [HHS – Caawinta Qaxootiga ee Khasaaraha Ee Laga Isticmaalo](

  1. Caawinta Qaxootiga iyo Entrant – Barnaamijyada Maamulka Gobolka:

   – [ – Barnaamijyada Maamulka Gobolka](


   – [ORR – ACF HHS](

Related Websites

  1. I-94 &
  2. USCIS Travel Documents
  3. The refugee process
  4. Refugee Cash Assistance and Refugee Medical Assistance
  5. Refugee and Entrant Assistance – State Administered Programs

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