Medical (Haitian Creole)

Medical (Haitian Creole)

Task #4 – Medical (Haitian Creole) 

Istorik: Refijye yo pa dwe melanje ak lòt moun ki gen stati imigrasyon tankou : (Visa Espesyal Imigrasyon  (SIV),(Moun k ap chèche Azil), an jeneral, yo pa dwe kite kay yo epi pou yo ale viv nan kan refijye ki dirije pa  Komisyon Nasyonzini pou Refijye yo (UNHCR). An mwayèn, sa ka pran soti 5 a 17 ane. Le Etazini (USA) aksepte  yon refijye ki fèk vini nan Peyi-a, fok li ale fe yon seri egzamen medikal ak vaksen. Yap bay refijye-a yon sache  plastik ki gen Aplikasyon : Òganizasyon Entènasyonal Migrasyon (IOM). Fok ou toujou mete dosye sa yo nan  yon pozisyon tre ZENPÒTAN pou ou ka jwenn yo avek facility, menm jan avèk Asirans sante pou yon ti tan ki  rele : Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) la. Chak Eta nan Ozetazini gen pwòp pwosesis benefis ak kondisyon yo  – Si ou vle konnen plis, ou ka vizite sit sa-a: pou  ou ka jwenn kontak nan Eta ou ye-a.  

Background: Refugees, not to be confused with other immigration status individuals (Special Immigration Visa  (SIVs), Asylum Seekers), usually leave their homes and reside in refugee camps run by the United Nations High  Commission on Refugees (UNHCR). The average stay time can be from 5 years to 17 years. Once a country (USA)  accepts a refugee, the newcomer goes through a series of medical examinations and vaccinations. These forms  usually accompany the newcomer in a plastic International Organization of Migration (IOM) plastic bag. Place  these records in the IMPORTANT FILES organizer for easy access. Short-term health insurance called Refugee  Medical Assistance (RMA). Each U.S. State has its own benefits and requirements process – see for the contacts in your state. 

Asistans Medikal Refijye (RMA) disponib pou jiska 8 mwa. Anjeneral, Ajans Reyenstalasyon yo te etabli yon  relasyon ak yon etablisman medikal lokal pou revize dosye sa yo epi telechaje dosye medikal pasyan ki fèk vini  yo nan sistèm nan. Kat Vaksen yo dwe revize epi renouvle yo le sa nesesè. W -ap bezwen yon nouvo dosye  vaksinasyon ki soti nan Etablisman Medikal Ozetazini bay la pou ou ka enskri timoun ki gen laj pou lekòl yo epi  tou wap bezwen yo pita pou fom I-485 la , Aplikasyon pou Anrejistre Rezidans Pèmanan oswa estai ajisteman – an nan yon anvlòp ki gen so sou li. 

Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) is available for up to eight months. Resettlement Agencies have usually  established a relationship with a local medical facility to review these records and upload newcomer patient  medical records into the system. Vaccinations are reviewed and updated as needed. You will need a new  vaccination record issued by the US medical facility for enrollment of school aged children AND sometime later for  the I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status in a SEALED envelope. 

Refugees and the Affordable Care Act – Fason ak Aksyon pou pran swen Refijye yo( we biwo pou reyenstasyon  refijye yo/PDF anba-a) Refijye ki admèt pou antre Ozetazini yo deja gen tout benefis yo, sa vle di yo gen aksè  imedyat nan Medicaid, Pwogram Asirans Sante pou Timoun yo (CHIP) ak lasante (Affordable Care Act, (ACA).  Anpil lòt gwoup imigran nan peyi Etazini oblije tann senk ane anvan yo kalifye pou benefis piblik tankou  Medicaid. 

Refugees and the Affordable Care Act – (see Office of Refugee Resettlement link/PDF below)  Refugees who are admitted to the United States meet the immigration status eligibility requirements for immediate access to Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and the health coverage options under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Many other immigrant groups in the U.S. have to wait five years before they are eligible for public benefits like Medicaid.



Sis lòt gwoup kalifye pou menm benefis ak sèvis ki  disponib pou refijye yo. Sa yo se: 

  1. Moun azil yo  
  2. Kiben ak Ayisyen San papye yo 
  3. Amerasyen 
  4. Moun ki gen viza espesyal imigran ki soti Irak  oswa Afganistan 
  5. Rezidan Pèmanan Legal (ki te genyen youn nan  estati sa yo nan tan lontan) 
  6. Sètifye viktim trafik moun


Six other groups are eligible for the same benefits  and services available to refugees. These are:

  1. Asylees 
  2. Cuban and Haitian Entrants 
  3. Amerasians 
  4. Special Immigrant Visa Holders from Iraq or  Afghanistan 
  5. Lawful Permanent Residents (who have held one  of these statuses in the past) 
  6. Certified victims of human trafficking

Tankou lòt Ameriken yo, lis gwoup ki anwo yo ka aplike pou asirans sante atravè (Health Marketplace) Asirans nan swen de sante ( Marketplace la ede moun jwenn pwoteksyon sante  ki anfòm selon bidjè yo pou satisfè bezwen yo. Avèk yon sèl aplikasyon, yon moun ka wè tout opsyon yo epi  enskri. Marketplace Asirans Sante kapab verifye estati imigrasyon pou tout gwoup yo mansyone pi wo a, eksepte sèten viktim trafik moun. Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) nan pwoblèm HHS sèten viktim trafik moun sètifikasyon oswa lèt kalifikasyon pou konfime kalifikasyon yo pou  benefis piblik yo. 

Like other Americans, the groups listed above can apply for health insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace at The Marketplace helps people find health coverage that fits their budget and meets their needs. With one application, a person can see all the options and enroll. The Health Insurance Marketplace can verify immigration status for all of the groups mentioned above, except certain victims of human trafficking. The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) in HHS issues certain victims of human trafficking certification or eligibility letters to confirm their eligibility for public benefits. 

Pwogram Asirans Sante pou Timoun yo (CHIP) – Si pitit ou yo bezwen pwoteksyon sante, yo ka elijib pou  Pwogram Asirans Sante pou Timoun yo (CHIP). CHIP bay garanti sante a bon mache pou timoun ki nan fanmi ki  touche twòp lajan pou yo kalifye pou Medicaid. Nan kèk Eta, CHIP kouvri fanm ansent yo. Chak Eta ofri kouvèti  CHIP epi travay kole kole ak pwogram Medicaid Eta -a. 

The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) If your children need health coverage, they may be eligible for  the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). 

CHIP provides low-cost health coverage to children in families that earn too much money to qualify for Medicaid.  In some states, CHIP covers pregnant women. Each state offers CHIP coverage and works closely with its state  Medicaid program. 

Dokiman Sipò – Kalite Dokiman Imigrasyon – Ou ka bezwen genyen youn oswa plizyè nan dokiman oswa  nimewo sa yo lè w ap aplike epi w enskri nan kouvèti Mache a. Dokiman ou bezwen yo depann sou sitiyasyon  imigrasyon ou. Gade pou jwenn yon lis konplè. Supporting Documents – Immigration documentation types – You may need to have one or more of the following  documents or numbers when you apply for and enroll in Marketplace coverage. The documents you need depend  on your immigration status. See for a full listing.

Dosye Antre/Soti (I-94/I-94A)
Arrival/Departure Record (I-94/I-94A)
Dosye Antre/Soti nan paspò etranje (I-94)
Arrival/Departure Record in foreign passport (I-94)
Paspò Etranje
Foreign Passport
Kat rezidan pèmanan, “Kat Vet” “Green Card” (I-551)
Permanent Resident Card, “Green Card” (I-551)
Dokiman Otorizasyon Travay (I-766)
Employment Authorization Document (I-766)
Koupon pou ti tan (sou paspò oswa I-94/I-94A)
Temporary I-551 Stamp (on passport or I-94/I-94A)
Depatman Setifika Sante ak Sèvis Etazini (HHS)
Certification from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)
Lèt elijiblite Biwo Refijye Resettlement (ORR) (si’w anba 18)
Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) eligibility letter (if under 18)
Nimewo etranje (yo rele tou nimewo anrejistreman etranje oswa nimewo USCIS) oswa nimewo I-94
Alien number (also called alien registration number or USCIS number) or I-94 number

Kilè pou w rele 911 – Nimewo ijans 911 la — oswa nimewo ijans lokal kominote w la — se pou vrè ijans. Yon  menase sou lavi yon moun, manm nan ko yo, oubyen ògàn nan ko yo. Egzanp tanko: Kriz kè, san ki pa sikile nan  sevo-a, pwoblèm pa ka respire, blesi nan tèt ak kou, senyen grav, ak blesi nan je. Ou ka rele 911 tou lè ou pa  kapab fizikman kondwi yon moun nan lopital la, epi moun nan gen yon kondisyon k ap vin pi mal. Lè ou ale lopital – Doktè ki espesyalize nan branch lan wè prèske tout bagay, moun ka vini nan ijans lan pou yon  ti pwoblèm paske yo pa gen okenn lòt kote pou yo ale. Men, tretman ijans nan lopital la chè akoz disponiblite  24 èdtan li yo. 

Lè pou rele doktè ou – Si ou panse yon moun bezwen tretman ijans nan yon lopital, pafwa li pi bon pou’w rele  doktè ou avan pou konsèy. Fè sa sèlman si ou gen tan epi tou si doktè-a imedyatman disponib. Si ou pa gen ase  tan, selon sitiyasyon-an, ou ta dwe rele 911 oswa ale nan lopital ki pi pre a. Doktè ou ka konseye’ w si wi ou non  yon sitiyasyon ijans aktyèlman egziste. 

Kèk lòt opsyon 

Sant swen ijan. Enstalasyon medikal ki gen pèsonèl doktè sa yo ofri yon altènatif lè pa gen yon ijans epi ou pa  gen aksè a doktè pèsonèl ou. An jeneral, yo pi chè pase pou’w wè pwòp doktè ou men mwens chè pase yon vizit  nan sal ijans. Sant lan anjeneral gen aksè imedyat nan laboratwa yon fason ki pi senp. Sant kontwòl pwazon. Sant sa yo gen moun ki byen antrene pou okipe apèl telefòn yo fè fas ak ijans  anpwazònman. Kenbe nimewo a nan telefòn ou, sitou si w gen timoun lakay ou. 

When to call 911 – The 911 emergency number — or your community’s local emergency number — is for true  emergencies. An emergency threatens a person’s life, limbs, or sense organs. Examples are heart attacks, strokes,  breathing problems, head and neck injuries, severe bleeding, and eye injuries. You can also call 911 when you are  not physically able to drive the person to the hospital, and the person has a condition that is growing worse. When to go to a hospital – Doctors who specialize in emergency medicine see just about everything, from real  emergencies to people who come in for minor problems because they have nowhere else to go. But hospital  emergency treatment is expensive because of its 24-hour availability and high overhead costs. When to call your doctor – If you think a person needs emergency treatment at a hospital, it’s sometimes helpful to  first call your doctor for advice. Do this only if you have the time and the doctor is immediately available. If not,  then you should call 911 or go to the nearest hospital. Your doctor can advise you as to whether an emergency  situation actually exists. 

Some other options

Urgent care centers. These doctor-staffed, walk-in medical facilities offer an alternative when there isn’t an  emergency and you don’t have access to your personal doctor. They are generally more expensive than seeing  your own physician but less expensive than an emergency room visit. The center usually has immediate access to  simple laboratory procedures. 

Poison control centers. These centers are staffed by people well trained to handle telephone calls dealing with  poisoning emergencies. Keep the number by your phone, especially if you have children at home. 

Sit wèb ki gen rapò 

1) Lwa sou Refijye ak Swen Abòdab (2013) t_508_8_27_13b_508.pdf 

2) Pou plis enfòmasyon sou refijye yo, vizite sitwèb ORR nan Pou plis  enfòmasyon sou dokiman imigrasyon yo ka mande oswa itilize, selon sitiyasyon endividyèl la, vizite Marketplace  la nan

3) Plan Asirans Sante pou Timoun yo – program/ 

Related Websites 

1) Refugees and the Affordable Care Act (2013) 

2) For more information about refugees, visit the ORR website at For more information about immigration documents that  may be required or used, depending on the individual situation, visit the Marketplace at 

3) Children’s Health Insurance Plan –

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