Medical (Somali)

Medical (Somali)

Task #4 – Caafimaad (Somali)

Task #4 – Medical (Somali)


Macluumaadka: Qaxootiga, oo la raacin kara qof kasta oo saameyn ku leh qaxootiyada kale (Visa Gaar Ah, Wada-hadal Soo Gaarista), mararka qaar waxay ka baxaan guriga guriga, waxay degto kambiyo qaxooti oo maamula Ururka Sareeya ee Qaxootiga ee Qaramada Midoobay (UNHCR). Waqtiga xitaa waxa uu ku noqon karaa 5 sano ilaa 17 sano. Marka waddanku (USA) qaxootiga soo gaaro, qaxootiga waxaa lagu wareejiyaa series-kooban oo falanqayn caafimaad iyo xanuunnooyin. Akhrinta warqadahaan waxaa ka dhigan karayso xabbad International Organization of Migration (IOM). Ku dar warqadahaan xitaa koleyga waxaad xidhiidhada ugu hagaajin kartaa qoraalka Muhiimka ah. Caafimaadka xitaa waxa lagu yiraahdaa Caawinta Caafimaadka Qaxootiga (RMA). Kulliyadda Gobolka ee Maraykanka waxay leedahay fursadaha iyo hawlaha khasaaraha ee ay ku leedahay dalalka – fiiri si aad u aragto xiriirada gobolkaaga.

Background: Refugees, not to be confused with other immigration status individuals (Special Immigration Visa (SIVs), Asylum Seekers), usually leave their homes and reside in refugee camps run by the United Nations High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR). The average stay time can be from 5 years to 17 years.  Once a country (USA) accepts a refugee, the newcomer goes through a series of medical examinations and vaccinations.  These forms usually accompany the newcomer in a plastic International Organization of Migration (IOM) plastic bag. Place these records in the IMPORTANT FILES organizer for easy access.  Short-term health insurance called Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA). Each U.S. State has its own benefits and requirements process – see for the contacts in your state.


Caawinta Caafimaadka Qaxootiga (RMA) waxa lagu heli karaa ilaa toddoba bilood. Hay’adaha dib-u-eegista waxay hadda ku shaqaynayaan xiriir la leh xarunta caafimaad ee ku saabsan warqadahaan, kuwareeridda macluumaadka caafimaad ee qaxootiga si ay ugala wareegaan nidaamka. Xanuunka laga baaro iyo la cusboonaantaan waxa loo baahanyahay. Waxaad u baahan doontaa warqad cusub oo xanuunka la saarayo oo soo saaray xarunta caafimaad ee Maraykanka si aad u hesho iskuulka ardayda dugsiga DAAWO marwalba oo lagu siiyo bulshada. Waxaad kaloo u baahan doontaa xarunta caafimaad ee Maraykanka warqad cusub oo xanuunka la saarayo kadib markii loo diro (I-485), Codsi Qaado Degel Permanent ama Isbeddel, iyo si aad u hesho qaybahaaga bulshada.

Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) is available for up to eight months. Resettlement Agencies have usually established a relationship with a local medical facility to review these records and upload newcomer patient medical records into the system.  Vaccinations are reviewed and updated as needed.  You will need a new vaccination record issued by the US medical facility for enrollment of school aged children AND sometime later for the I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status in a SEALED envelope.


Qaxootiga iyo Qalabka Care Act – (fiiri xiriirka/PDF-ka ee Maamulka Dhaq-Dhaqaaqa Qaxootiga hoose) Qaxootiga soo gashay Maraykanka waxay kala qaadaan shuruucda xadidan ee qaybaha qalabka Caafimaadka, Barnaamijka Bimaalka Caruurta (CHIP), iyo xubnaha caafimaad ee ku jira Qalabka Caafimaadka Xaddidka (ACA). Kooxda kale ee qaxootiga Maraykanka waxay ku qaadatay shan sano ka hor inta ay heli karaan waxyaabaha bulshada sida Medicaid.

Refugees and the Affordable Care Act – (see Office of Refugee Resettlement link/PDF below) 

Refugees who are admitted to the United States meet the immigration status eligibility requirements

for immediate access to Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and the health

coverage options under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Many other immigrant groups in the U.S. have to

wait five years before they are eligible for public benefits like Medicaid. 

Liiska saddexda kale ee kooxda kale waxay leedahay fursadaha iyo adeegyada ay qaxootigu ka helayaan. Kuwaasoo ah:

  1. Asylees – Kuwa ka noqonaya xeerka qaxootiga (asylum).
  2. Cuban and Haitian Entrants – Kuwa ka soo galeya dalka Mareykanka kaasoo ka soo baxa Kuba iyo Haiti.
  3. Amerasians – Kuwa la yiraahdo Amerasiyana.
  4. Special Immigrant Visa Holders from Iraq or Afghanistan- Kuwa la xiriira Visa Gaar ah ee Qaxootiga (SIV) ka soo baxa Ciraaq ama Afgaanistan.
  5. Lawful Permanent Residents (who have held one of these statuses in the past)- Kuwa ku sugan qaxootigu oo ka helay Hogaaminta Dhexe (Lawful Permanent Resident) (kuwaasoo helay mid ka mid ah hagardaamadaas ka horeeyay).
  6. Certified victims of human trafficking- Kuwa la xiriira dadka loo dhaqmay dagaalka adduunka.

Six other groups are eligible for the same benefits and services available to refugees. These are:

  1. Asylees
  2. Cuban and Haitian Entrants
  3. Amerasians
  4. Special Immigrant Visa Holders from Iraq or Afghanistan
  5. Lawful Permanent Residents (who have held one of these statuses in the past)
  6. Certified victims of human trafficking


Sida dadka kale ee Mareykanka, kooxdaheeda hoose loo qoro waxay codsatay bimaan caafimaad si ay ugu helaan ganacsiga Caafimaadka ee Ganacsigaas waxa uu caawin karaa dadka inay heli karaan dhammaan xuduudda caafimaadka ee ku saabsan kuwaasoo la xiriira baajiyada ay qofku heli karo iyo waxa uu u baahan yahay. Kaddib markii codsadka loo qoro, qofka waxa uu arkayaa dhammaan xulashada iyo ka shaqaysiga. Ganacsiga Caafimaadka waxa uu heli karaa xiriirka xadidan ee ku saabsan kooxaha koronto ee soo socda, waxaana ka saara saddexda kooxooda ee lagu sheegay hore. Maamulka Dhaq-Dhaqaaqa Qaxootiga (ORR) ee HHS wuxuu soo saaray baadhitaan ama warqad xaqiiqo ah ku saabsan kuwa ay hore u fadhiyeen dhibaatada dadka loo dhaqmay.

Like other Americans, the groups listed above can apply for health insurance through the Health

Insurance Marketplace at The Marketplace helps people find health coverage that fits

their budget and meets their needs. With one application, a person can see all the options and enroll.

The Health Insurance Marketplace can verify immigration status for all of the groups mentioned above,

except certain victims of human trafficking. The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) in HHS issues

certain victims of human trafficking certification or eligibility letters to confirm their eligibility for public



Barnaamijka Bimaalka Caruurta (CHIP) – Haddii carruurtaagu u baahan tahay xakamaynta caafimaad, waxay heli karaan Barnaamijka Bimaalka Caruurta (CHIP).

CHIP wuxuu bixiyaa xakamaynta caafimaad ee fiican carruurta ku leh qoysaska leh lacag adag, waxayna helaan dadka lacag badan ugu qoran Medicaid. Dhamaan gobollada ayaa CHIP siinaya, waxayna iska kaashanayaan barnaamijka Medicaid ee gobolka.

The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)If your children need health coverage, they may be eligible for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

CHIP provides low-cost health coverage to children in families that earn too much money to qualify for Medicaid. In some states, CHIP covers pregnant women. Each state offers CHIP coverage and works closely with its state Medicaid program.


Noocyada Warqadaha Xidhka Qaxootiga – Waa inaad u baahan tahay inaad haysato hal ama kuwa badan oo ka mid ah warqadaha ama tiradaheena markaad codsatid oo raadsato Xarunta Caafimaadka. Warqadaha aad u baahan tahay waxay ku sii kordhaysaa xaaladahaadu qaxootinimo. Fiiri si aad u aragto liiska oo dhan.

Supporting Documents – Immigration documentation types – You may need to have one or more of the following documents or numbers when you apply for and enroll in Marketplace coverage. The documents you need depend on your immigration status.  See for a full listing.


Warqadda Soo Gasho/Imtixaanka ee Ku Waarto Passporka dibadda (I-94)

Passporka dibadda

Kaadka Qaxootiga ee Hogaaminaya, “Kaarta Gadhiga” (I-551)

Warqadda Ogolaanshaha Shaqada (I-766)

Timirka I-551 ee Katiinka (kuwaasoo ku taalaa passporka ama I-94/I-94A)

Diiwaangelinta kaadhka xafiiska Xuquuqda Caafimaadka iyo Haweenka (HHS) ee Qaxootiga (ORR) ee Mareykanka

Warqadda Baadhista Xuquuqda Qaxootiga (ORR) (haddii la yar yahay 18)

Tirada Xiriirka (oo lagu yiraahdo tirada xiriirka gudaha ama tirada USCIS) ama tirada I-94

Arrival/Departure Record in foreign passport (I-94)

Foreign Passport

Permanent Resident Card, “Green Card” (I-551)

Employment Authorization Document (I-766)

Temporary I-551 Stamp (on passport or I-94/I-94A)

Certification from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)

Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) eligibility letter (if under 18)

Alien number (also called alien registration number or USCIS number) or I-94 number


Markaad u wacdid 911 – Lambar soo wacidda 911 ee qaraarka, ama lambar qaraarka ee xarunta caafimaadka ee bulshadaaga, waxa loo isticmaalaa marka xaaladda tahay qaraar. Qaraar ayaa keenaya nolosha, xabadka, ama halista cabsi. Tusaale ahaan, cudurka galbeedka, cudurka madaxa, dhanka hidaha, cabsi weyn, iyo cabsiinta subagga. Waa sidoo kale inaad soo wacdid 911 markaad maqashid inaad gaari doonto qofka ilaalo ah ee hospitalka, iyo qofkaas uu qorsheynayo hawl uu u badan yahay.

When to call 911 – The 911 emergency number — or your community’s local emergency number — is for true emergencies. An emergency threatens a person’s life, limbs, or sense organs. Examples are heart attacks, strokes, breathing problems, head and neck injuries, severe bleeding, and eye injuries. You can also call 911 when you are not physically able to drive the person to the hospital, and the person has a condition that is growing worse.


Markaad u tagtid isbitaalka – Duktoorada dhigaya xuquuqda caafimaadka ayaa arkaya waxa kasta, kaasoo ka mid ah qaraarada dhabta ah ilaa dadka soo gashay sababaha yaryar ee ay ugu tala gashay maadaama ay ku dhammaanayaan goobaha kale ee ay tagaan. Laakiin, xidhiidhka caafimaadka isbitaalka waa lacag dheeraad ah sababo kuwa 24-saac ah iyo kharashadaha sare ee deggan.

When to go to a hospital – Doctors who specialize in emergency medicine see just about everything, from real emergencies to people who come in for minor problems because they have nowhere else to go. But hospital emergency treatment is expensive because of its 24-hour availability and high overhead costs.


Markaad u wacdid dhuuntaaga – Haddii aad ku aragto in qof uu u baahan yahay caafimaad degdeg ah isbitaalka, wuxuu aad u sahlan yahay inaad ka wacdid dhuuntaaga si uu wax uga qabto. Waxaas oo keliya ku tus markaad samayn karo iyo marka dhuuntaagu sidaas looga helo. Haddii aan hore loo helin ama aan dhuuntaagu ku siiyin, waa inaad wacdid 911 ama aad u tagtid isbitaalka ugu qasaarta. Dhuuntaagaaga wuxuu kuu sheegi karaa haddii uusan jirin xaalado degdeg ah.

When to call your doctor – If you think a person needs emergency treatment at a hospital, it’s sometimes helpful to first call your doctor for advice. Do this only if you have the time and the doctor is immediately available. If not, then you should call 911 or go to the nearest hospital. Your doctor can advise you as to whether an emergency situation actually exists.


Hababka kale

Magaaladaha Daryeelka. Hay’adaha caafimaad oo ku shaqo leh duktoorada, oo keliya waxay siiso xogta kaddib markii uu socdo laakin aysan jirin dhuuntaaga ama kuu lahayn dhuuntaagaada shaqsiga ah. Waxay dhammaan badani tahay qiimaha ka weyn marka aad aragtay duktoorkaada gaar ah laakiin yaraynaysa marka aad u tagtid isbitaalka. Daryeelka waxay ka helaan qorshaha xogta dhaqaale sidaas oo kale.

Some other options

Urgent care centers. These doctor-staffed, walk-in medical facilities offer an alternative when there isn’t an emergency and you don’t have access to your personal doctor. They are generally more expensive than seeing your own physician but less expensive than an emergency room visit. The center usually has immediate access to simple laboratory procedures.


FQHCs (Magaaladaha Caafimaadka Qaranka). FQHCs waxay bixiyaan taageero iyo adeegyo ka badan, sida: 1) Caawinta Xuquuqda ee soo gashada barnaamijyada dawladda iyo degmooyinka sida Medicaid iyo SNAP, 2) Adeegyada Fasiraadka oo lagu bixiyo macmiilka dadka ku hadla afafka kale ee aanuca, iyo 3) Gaadiidka dadka xirfadlaya xidhitaanka adeegyada FQHC ee sababtoo ah waxyeello xidhiidh ah.

FQHCs (Federally Qualified Health Center).  FQHCs offer additional support and services such as 1) Eligibility Assistance for applying to state and local programs such as Medicaid and SNAP, 2) Interpretation services for patients for whom English is not their primary language, and 3) Transportation for patients who have barriers to accessing FQHC services due to transportation issues.


Magaaladaha Xogurta Racfaanka. Waxay ku shaqaynayaan dadka aad u fiican oo la barbardhigayo telefoonada ku saabsan dhibaatooyinka racfaanka. U diiwaan nomeraha telefoonkaaga, gaar ahaan haddii aad carruur ah ku jirto meel kasta oo aad degan tahay.

Poison control centers. These centers are staffed by people well trained to handle telephone calls dealing with poisoning emergencies. Keep the number by your phone, especially if you have children at home.


Websaydhaha La Xiriira

1) Qaxooti iyo Xeerka Caafimaadka Adeegsiga (2013)

2) Si aad u ogaato wax ka barbardhig ku saabsan qaxootiga, booqo tooska ORR ee la soo saaro Si aad u ogaato wax ka barbardhig ku saabsan warqadaha xirfad la’aanta ee loo baahan yahay ama laga isticmaalo, iyadoo la xidhiidho xaaladda kheyraadka ah, booqo Dukaanka Caafimaadka ee

3) Barnaamijka Bimaalka Caafimaadka Caruurta –

4) – Dukaanada Caafimaadka waxay yihiin ururada ku yaalla bulshada iyo kuwa bartaada, oo ku jira dadka loo baahan yahay, oo bixiya adeegyo caafimaad oo fiican, laakiin kharashka laga qaado. Waxay bixiyaan adeegyo caafimaad oo kala duwan dadka iyo qoysaskooda, oo kaasoo ka mid ah kuwa ku nool adduunka madaxda, shaqaale xoolo, degmooyinka dadweynaha, iyo waddaninimo.

Related Websites

1) Refugees and the Affordable Care Act (2013)

2) For more information about refugees, visit the ORR website at  For more information about immigration documents that may be required or used, depending on the individual situation, visit the Marketplace at

3) Childrens Health Insurance Plan –

4) – Health centers are community-based and patient-directed organizations that provide affordable, accessible, high-quality primary health care services to individuals and families, including people experiencing homelessness, agricultural workers, residents of public housing, and veterans.

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