School Enrollment (Somali)

School Enrollment (Somali)

Macluumaadka #7 – Diiwaan-gelinta Iskuulka

Task #7 – School Enrollment  (Somali)


Horumar: Iskuulka Mareykanka, sidoo kale, waxa loo baahan yahay indhaha iyo dumarba. Maamulaha casuumaadda qaxootiga wuxuu bilowgeli doonaa hagidda diiwaangelinta; laakiin, qaxootiyo doonaya inay taageerto waxay ka caawiyaan ardayda cusub ee socota inay:

1) Diiwaangeliso Online, 2) Kaansado iyo isticmaalo kumbuyuutarka / qalabka, 3) Barashada sida loo isticmaalo internetka iyo qalabka kale, iyo 4) bixiso dugsiyada af-Ingiriisi / hisaab. Sidoo kale, waxaa jira barnaamij tacliin/taageer ah oo loogu talagalay waalidiinta ardayda cusub. “Raising Highly Capable Kids™” waa barnaamij dugsiga 13-iska buuxiyey, aasaasaya waxbarasho iyo maamul ahaan, oo ay ka kooban yihiin bulshooyinka si loo caawiyo waalidiinta inay bariso dhallaan, wanaag, iyo dhawrsooc waxbarasho. Ka fiiri

Background:   School in the United States, for both boys and girls, is a requirement.  The refugee caseworker will start the enrollment process; however, refugee volunteers can assist in helping newcomer students navigate: 1) Online registration, 2) Signing for and using take home computers/devices, 3) Learning how to use the internet and other devices, and 4) provide English/Math tutoring. Additionally, there is an education/support program for newcomer parents.  Raising Highly Capable Kids™ is a 13-week, multilingual, evidence-based parenting program has brought together communities to help parents raise healthy, caring, and responsible children. See 


Waxbarashu waa la baahan yahay caruurta ilaa lixdan (6) ilaa labaatan (17) sano. Kulliyadda gobolka iyo degmooyinka waxay leedahay tayada diiwaangelinta ee ay u baahan yihiin. Dawladda Colorado waa la isticmaali karaa tusaale.


Sida xeerka dhaqdhaqaaqa waxbarashada ee Colorado, caruurta sannadkiiba lixdan (6) ilaa labaatan (17) sano waa inay tagaan dugsiga ugu yaraan:


  • 450 saacadood sannadkiiba, haddii ay tahay dugsiga yar ee daabaca
  • 900 saacadood sannadkiiba, haddii ay tahay dugsiga buuxa ee daabaca
  • 968 saacadood sannadkiiba, haddii ay tahay caruurtii aan daabaca
  • 1,056 saacadood sannadkiiba, haddii ay tahay dugsiga sare (dugsiga dhexe iyo dugsiga sare).
  • Xeerka Colorado waxay sidoo kale doonaysaa in waalidiinta ama cunugooda sharciga loo saaro si ay u yeelaan ammaanka waxbarashada ee caruurtooda

Education is mandatory for children ages six (6) to seventeen (17).  Each state and school district has its own set of enrollment requirements.  Colorado State is used as an example.  

According to Colorado school attendance law, children age six (6) to under seventeen (17) must attend school for at least: ( 

  • 450 hours a year, if they are in half-day kindergarten, 
  • 900 hours a year, if they are in full-day kindergarten, 
  • 968 hours a year, if they are not in kindergarten, but still in elementary school, and 
  • 1,056 hours a year, if they are in secondary school (middle school and high school). 
  • Colorado law also requires the child’s parents or legal custodians to ensure their child meets these goals. 


Truancy = u tagidda dugsi bilaa sabab la xariira. Haddii carruurta uu noqonayo qofka isku dayaya in uu tago dugsi, dugsiyadda waxay bilaabeysaa qorsho isku dayaysi ah. Qorshaha isku dayaysiga waxay bilaabeysaa: Wakhiilka dugsiyadda, Agaasimaha Diiwaangelinta ee dugsiyadda, ama Guddiga Dugsiyadda Gobolka. Qorshaha isku dayaysiga wuxuu bilowgeliyaa oggolaanshaha ka soo baxa dugsi ilaa ardayda isku dayaya inay tagaan iyo waalidiinta. Buuxinta kharashka ee qorshaha isku dayaysiga waxay ku dhici karta dhammaan shaqada, oo uu ardaygu iyo waalidiintu u diyaar garoobaan inay soo galaan xeerarka haddii xaaladda kulmaysa oo kaliya la gaarsiiyo.

Truancy = staying away from school without good reason. If a child becomes habitually truant, the school can begin a truancy case.  A truancy case can be started by: The school’s attorney, The school’s Attendance Officer, or The county Board of Education. A truancy case begins with a notice from the school to the truant student and the parent/guardian. This notice warns the student and parents they will have to come to court if the student’s attendance problem is not corrected. 


Diiwaangelinta (fiiri diiwaangelinta ardayda cusub ee degmadaada) tusaale ah.

  • Warbixinta Diiwaangelinta:
  • Hoggaamiyaha Diiwaangelinta:
  • Diiwaangelinta Ardayda Cusub:

Enrollment (see new student enrollment for your district) example. 


Cuntada Xallinta: fiiri

Immunizations: see 


Dokumentiyayaasha Taageerida: (Fiiri

Supporting Documents: (See 


Shahaadada Dhalashada – Khasab dadka ama hooyo waa khasab inay ardayda diiwaangeliso. Xukunka xukunka, xukunka dib u eegista ee la shaaciyey, ama xukun-sharciga sidoo kale waa aqoonsi la’aan loogu qeexay in uu xukunka sameeyo.

Birth Certificate – Only mom or dad listed on the birth certificate is allowed to register the student. Court guardianship, a notarized delegation of custody, or power of attorney also are acceptable for assigning guardianship. 


Pasport ama I.D. Milatari waxay aqoonsan yihiin qaab alternatiif ah oo shaqsiyaad la’aan ah haddii shahaadada dhalashada laga heli karo.

Passport or military I.D. are acceptable as alternate forms of identification if a birth certificate isn’t available. 


Xallinta – Fadlan hubi in magaca ardaygu uu ku jiro warbixin xallinta.

Immunization – Please ensure the student’s name is on the immunization record. 


Dhaqso Loo Diwaangashan Kari Waayo (bixi mid ka mid ah soo socda) o Bilowga Maalgelinta ee ugu dambeeyey muddo 30 maalmood (koronto, kaabli/internet ama satelait, biyo, taleefan yar, goddo). Haddii xisaabta laga soo saaro ama uu ka yar yahay muddo billiga ah, waa la aqoonsan yahay. Bilkan waa inuu yahay magaca waalidka ama hayadaha.

Valid Proof of Residency (provide one of the following) o Current utility bill within the last 30 days (electric, cable/internet or satellite, water, landline, trash). If a bill is discontinued or past the due date, it is not acceptable. The bill must be in the parent or guardian’s name. 


Sharaxaad Isdiwaangashan (waa inuu ka dambeeyo magaca waalidka ama hayadaha)

Warbixin Maalgelinta (mortgage) magaca waalidka ama hayadaha. Haddii aad ku nooshahay qof ama bilaashuhu ay yihiin magaca waalidka ama hayadaha mid kale, waa in lagu siibaa Fooma Verifikayshanka Diwaangashada ee Shaaciyey iyo mid ka mid ah soo socda ee horey loo qoray.

Lease agreement (must be current in the parent or guardian’s name) 

Mortgage statement in parent or guardian’s name. If you live with someone or the bills are in the name of someone other than the legal parent or guardian, a notarized Residency Verification Form must be provided with one of the previously listed valid proofs of residency. 


Halkan waxaad ka heli kartaa xogta websaydhkaan la xiriira 

  • Boqolki – Diiwaangelinta Iskuulka, •
  • Truancy –

Related Website links 

  • Colorado – School Enrollment,

Truancy –

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