Employment Authorization Card (EAD) and I-9 Employment Eligibility (Somali)

Employment Authorization Card (EAD) and I-9 Employment Eligibility (Somali)

Magacbeddel: Task #9 – Kaalinta Ogolaanshaha Shaqaalaha (EAD) iyo I-9 Ogolaanshaha Shaqaalaha

Task #9 – Employment Authorization Card (EAD) and I-9 Employment Eligibility (Somali)


Background: Waa inaad hesho Kaartad Ogolaanshaha Shaqaalaha (EAD). Waxa uu kugu ogolaanayaa inaad shaqo gasho muddo ku saabsan guud ahaanbulahaaga Mareykanka. Wargeyskaaga loo baahan yahay wuxuu kugu caawin doonaa inaad hesho kaartad EAD markaad aad doorto shaqo. Hadii aad tahay qaxooti, laga soo tagay dalka Mareykanka ama ku heshay su’aalo dheeraad ah, waxa soo socota nala soo xiriir nala, waxaan kuu soo gudbin doonnaa fooman USCIS, I 765 Ogolaanshaha Shaqaalaha (Eebbe Tab A). Shaqooyin waxaad sidoo kale ku gasho Online https://www.uscis.gov/i-765. Heshiiska Kaartada Ogolaanshaha Shaqaalaha (Foomka I-766/EAD) waa mid ka mid ah hababka loo hubiyo inaad ku shaqaysato Mareykanka muddo dhawr bilood ah.

Background: You will need an Employment Authorization Document (EAD Card). This allows you to work within your U.S. community.  Your resettlement agency will help you obtain an EAD card based on your status (refugee, asylum seeker etc…).  See the USCIS website below for application instructions.  See the attached copy of the USCIS, I 765 Application for Employment Authorization (See Tab A).  Persons can also file online https://www.uscis.gov/i-765.  Having an Employment Authorization Document (Form I-766/EAD) is one way to prove that you are authorized to work in the United States for a specific time period.


Waxaad u baahan tahay inaad ogolaato EAD haddii aad: 1. La ogolaan karo shaqo Mareykanka sababtoo ah xaaladdaaga qaxooti ama xaaladaha kale (tusaale ahaan, waa aqoon qaxooti, qaxooti, ama qaxooti U) iyo waxaad u baahan tahay dalabka shahaadadaas ogolaanshaha shaqaalaha, ama 2. Waxaad u baahan tahay inaad dalbatid ogolaanshaha shaqaalaha; in kasta oo aad u baahan tahay inaad dalabtaan ogolaanshaha shaqaalaha dhan waa ay tahay. Tusaale ahaan: Waxaad haysataa Foomka I-485, Dalabka In la Daabaco isticmaal ama Sii Khasaaray. Waxaad haysataa Foomka I-589, Dalabka Ka Dalbida Ilaalinta iyo Sheegashada Kaadida, ama 3) waxaad haysataa xaalad nonimmigrant ah oo kugu ogolaanaysa inaad joogto Mareykanka laakiin kuma oggolaanayo inaad shaqo soo gasho Mareykanka illaa aad dalabtaan ogolaanshaha USCIS (sida arday F-1 ama M-1).

You will need to apply for an EAD if you: 1. Are authorized to work in the United States because of your immigration status or circumstances (for example, you are an asylee, refugee, or U nonimmigrant) and need evidence of that employment authorization, or 2. Are required to apply for permission to work; in other words, you need to request employment authorization itself. For example: You have a pending Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status. You have a pending Form I-589, Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal, or 3) you have a nonimmigrant status that allows you to be in the United States but does not allow you to work in the United States without first seeking permission from USCIS (such as an F-1 or M-1 student). 


Ma ahan inaad dalabtaan EAD haddii aad tahay qol mugdi ah. Kaarkaaga Cas (Foomka I-551, Kaarka Qolka Mugdimada) waa cadaynaha ogolaanshaha shaqaalahaaga. Waxaad sidoo kale u baahan tahay inaad dalabtaan EAD haddii aad xisaabtanka lahayd visa nonimmigrant ah oo kuu ogolaanaysa inaad shaqo soo gasho shaqaale u gaar ah (tusaale ahaan, waxaad leedahay visa H-1B, L-1B, O, ama P).

You do not need to apply for an EAD if you are a lawful permanent resident. Your Green Card (Form I-551, Permanent Resident Card) is evidence of your employment authorization. You also do not need to apply for an EAD if you have a nonimmigrant visa that authorizes you to work for a specific employer (for example, you have an H-1B, L-1B, O, or P visa).

Foomka kale ee socda waa I-9, Foomka Xaqiijinta Ogolaanshaha Shaqada. Shaqaalaha waxay isticmaali karaan Foomka I-9 si ay u xaqiijiyaan shahaado iyo ogolaanshaha shaqo ee ku shaqeeya Maraykanka. Dhamaan shaqaalaha Maraykanka waa inay saxiixaan Foomka I-9 si kulliyadda ay ka shaqeeyaan. Tani waa ka mid ah qof waliba, shacab ama aan shacab ahayn. Foomkaas, shaqaale waa inuu kalsooni dhaafaan xaqiijinta ogolaanshaha shaqo. Shaqaale waxay sidoo kale u baahan yihiin inay shaqaalaheeda u soo jeediyaan warqado la xidhiidha shahaadada iyo ogolaanshaha shaqada. Shaqaalaha waa inay baaritaankaan dhameystiraan si ay u ogolaadaan inay tahay mid xaqiijiya dhibaatada ogolaanshaha shaqada. Tab A wuxuu ku siinayaa liiska warqadaha ay qofku isticmaali karaan. Tab B wuxuu ku siinayaa sawirka Foomka I-9 (mar haddii aad doonayso foomkan haddii uu yahay mid cusub).

Another form is the I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification form.  Employers USE  Form I-9 to verify the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the United States. All U.S. employers must properly complete Form I-9 for each individual they hire for employment in the United States. This includes citizens and noncitizens. On the form, an employee must attest to their employment authorization. The employee must also present their employer with acceptable documents as evidence of identity and employment authorization. The employer must examine these documents to determine whether they reasonably appear to be genuine and relate to the employee, then record the document information on the employee’s Form I-9. See TAB A for the list of acceptable documents.  See Tab B for a copy of the I-9 form (always check for the most current form & requirements). 


  1. Warbixinta Ogolaanshaha Shaqada. https://www.uscis.gov/green-card/green-card-processes-and-procedures/employment-authorization-document
  2. I-9, Xaqiijinta Ogolaanshaha Shaqada, https://www.uscis.gov/i-9

Related Websites

  1. Employment Authorization Document. https://www.uscis.gov/green-card/green-card-processes-and-procedures/employment-authorization-document
  2. I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, https://www.uscis.gov/i-9

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